Category Archives: Baked Dishes

Christmas Cake



Tis the season to be jolly….

Christmas- It that time of the year when one yearns for the comforts of home. A flurry of snow flakes, a warm cocoa and crackling fire…

Since all these things are not available in Dubai, the best way to assuage my yearning for home with a good old Christmas fruit cake.

My Christmas cake recipe comes from my grandmother, but I have made addition to it over the years. The cake is basically an equal weight pound cake, with additions of fruit, caramel and spices.

Also I prefer to soak my cake in wine rather than rum or brandy, since I am more of a wine drinker. All you teetotallers out there can even use non-alcoholic sparkling grape juice. But be advised that if you use juice, the cake will not keep that long and has be finished quickly (not a problem in my house) or refrigerated.

So here goes.           Continue reading Christmas Cake

Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!


Admit it! You dip into the cookie jar for a Chocolate Chip Cookie when the kids aren’t looking. I do it all the time. And I end up feeling so guilty.

The last time we went on a holiday with the whole family, we stayed at this resort where they had the most amazing chocolate chip cookies for breakfast. The first bite and I was in Cookie Heaven. Continue reading Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!